Monday, July 7, 2008

Decided to join the World of Bloggers.

Tonight, I decided to join the world of bloggers. I always wanted to have an online diary so that I can pen my thoughts, happening on my own blog.

I retired on 1st August 2004, after being medically boarded out by Singapore Airlines Ltd. This was at my own choosing. Prior to my leaving the company, I was down with pneumonia and have a mild heart attack. Also, it seem that my asthma was acting up and when I was in Tan Tock Seng Hospital on 4th April 2004, I had a severe attack while in the ICU. The reason for the attack was the dirty air conditioning duct of the room I was in. This may have triggered off my heart attack.
I stayed 17 days in Tan Tock Seng Hospital and was only discharged on 22 April 2008. Just in time for my 57th Birthday.

While in the hospital bed, I decided to quit working. The reasons for doing so were:

1. SIA was outsourcing my department to IBM, and it would mean that I have to work in IBM
with two colleagues, whom I dislike intensely.
2. As a Medically Boarded Out (MBO) staff, I thought I would be able to retain my privilege travel. But it was not to be. I found out later that the Company has changed its policy and that MBO staff are no longer treated as retiree. This story in another blog entry.
3. I need to start another career in life. I was thinking of real estate then.

When I left the Company finally on 31st July 2004, I have already arranged to pass over my work to a younger Mauritius guy. This guy was never really interested, and James Teong, my colleague and manager was to discover later.

Matthew Ho, my immediate supervisor was suffering from lung cancer due to stress of the so called 2000 year bug. He was to die later one year after I left the company. He was very stressed from having to do my work, which he was well equipped to do, but because he cannot withstand the stress. He did not got outsourced to IBM and remains an SIA's employee till his last breath.

Got to end here for tonight. Will blog again with later part of my story and try to catch up to the present.

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